-it is necessary to review first these programming specification: input specs(the given data), output specs(the requirement), file specs, and process specs.
2. program design
-a programmer must design a program before writing the actual instruction that the computer will execute. when designing this program logic, each step must be illustrated by a *flowchart.2. program design
3. program coding
- the program must be coded on a language that the computer will understand in order to implement the logic developed in the design phase of the program development cycle. a. review of the program- to avoid committing logical errors.
b. entering the program- entered and stored in main memory. c. saving the program- must be saved for future use.
d. interpreting/compiling the program-it should be perfectly when loaded into main memory for excecution.
*to test program*
a.desk checking- immediate correction of errors.
b.encoding- conversion of source codes to a machine sensible formats.
c.generation of error list- list of syntax errors.
5. program documentation
-records of facts regarding the program.
a.internal documentation(within the program itself)
b.external documentation(to the user of the program)
-systematic diagram which shows the flow of data or the sequence of instruction given to the computer.
-uses of this: efficient means of communication, analytical tool, concise documentation.
some symbols use in flowchart
The Process Symbol represents any process, function, or action and is the most frequently used symbol in flowcharting. | |
The Document Symbol is used to represent any type of hard copy input or output (i.e. reports). | |
Offpage Connector Symbols are used to indicate the flowchart continues on another page. Often, the page number is placed in the shape for easy reference. | |
The Input/Output Symbol represents data that is available for input or resulting from processing (i.e. customer database records). | |
Comment Symbols are used when additional explanation or comment is required. This symbol is usually connected to the symbol it is explaining by a dashed line. | |
The Decision Symbol is a junction where a decision must be made. A single entry may have any number of alternative solutions, but only one can be chosen. | |
The Connector Symbol represents the exit to, or entry from, another part of the same flowchart. It is usually used to break a flow line that will be continued elsewhere. It's a good idea to reference page numbers for easy location of connectors. |